Mentoring programs



This innovative program is designed for management and leadership positions, taking into account the experience, training and specific needs of each participant.


It is developed through weekly online or face-to-face sessions of two to three hours, at times convenient to the participant and mentor.


The selection of the topics and the dedication to each of the participants is personalized. To this end, a questionnaire and a previous interview are carried out with each participant. In addition, content and duration adjustments are made during the course of the mentoring according to the development and interests shown by the participants.

All information regarding interviews and mentoring sessions will be treated as strictly confidential by Bauerberg Klein.


The program covers technical topics in the participant’s discipline, such as:

For Drilling Mentoring:

  • Well Planning
  • Rig selection
  • Drilling Optimization

For Production Mentoring:

  • Management of Artificial Extraction Systems and Optimum Method
  • O&G Production Management (Production and Facilities)
For Reservoir Mentoring:
  • Integrated Reservoir Management (Reservoirs):
  • Unconventional Reservoirs
In addition to the technical topic to choose from, management topics that are transversal for the managerial level are included such as:
  • Strategic planning
  • Indicator Management
  • Asset Management, among others.

We also incorporate soft skills topics that we have developed especially for the oil corporate environment, some examples are:

  • Corporate Leadership and Delegation
  • Internal Mentoring Skills in Organizations
  • Team Building for Project Management

Aimed at managerial and executive positions. The program covers technical topics of the participant’s discipline, as well as management and soft skills.


This model ensures that 100% of the contents taught are of interest to the participant and correspond to real situations in their fields.

Employees participating in this program benefit from a set of direct on-the-job mentoring (OJM) work experiences designed to develop and expand their current capabilities (Upskilling Process).

Mentors provide accompaniment and technical support to a real project, while filling knowledge gaps that are detected on the fly.

The company benefits from the realization of the selected study or project and from the “Upskilling” technical consolidation of the participants.


  • Definition of discipline and project
  • Assignment of the group of participants
  • Workflow processing
  • Group definition and work assignment
  • Measurement of gaps by means of questionnaires and interviews
  • Leveling courses
  • Project development with direct mentoring
  • Evaluation and discussion of results
  • Presentation of results and lessons learned
  • Final Technical Report
  • Final gap measurement and report.
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