Advanced Well Test Interpretation


September 30th to October 4th, 2024

WHO SHOULD ATTEND:Reservoir and production engineers, geologists and field personnel involved with the design and interpretation of well tests.

Prerequisite: knowledge of transient well testing nomenclature


Understanding the fundamental concepts of well test analysis and becoming familiar with recent advances in well test interpretation.  The methodology described in the course, which has become the standard of the industry, presents a systematic way of interpreting well tests and reconciles the various methods that have been developed over the years.  Practical problem-solving sessions are included in the course.


You will learn the fundamental concepts of well test analysis and  state-of-the-art interpretation methodology
You will learn what results can be obtained from well test analysis
You will learn the pitfalls and limitations of current well test analysis techniques
You will learn well test deconvolution
You will learn how to analyze most well tests. 

Course content includes: 

  • Objectives of Well Testing
  • Information Obtained from Well Tests
  • Interpretation Methods
  • Evolution of well test analysis methods and limitations of exiting techniques
  • Practical use of deconvolution
  • Interpretation Models
  • Gas Analysis
  • Well test analysis of complex fluid systems (gas condensates and volatile oil)
  • Practical considerations

Alain Gringarten

30 September 2024


Reservoir Engineering


USD 3950 + VAT + IVA

Starts: 30 September 2024

Ends: 4 October 2024

40 Hours


Reservoir Engineering


USD 3950 + VAT

Course registration

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