Deep Water Drilling Fundamentals

Face-to Face Course

December 9 to 13, 2024

Duration : 5 days

Who Should Attend:

Well’s Project professionals, with offshore well design and operations experience desiring to better understanding the essential challenges and solutions to drill deepwater wells.

Including but not limited to: Geology, Geosciences persons, Drilling Completion, Petroleum, Reservoir, Engineers, Wellsite & Well Engineering Team Leaders, Operations Superintendents, Managers and any Well Services or Drilling Contractor supervisor / team leader or manager associated with a deepwater drilling project.

*Participants should have 3-5 years’ experience in offshore drilling projects.

Note: Presumptions are that participants have work experience in foundational project management. Comprehend key drilling subject matters i.e., geology/geoscience, pore pressure management, geomechanics, well placement, well control, drilling fluids, cementing, operations, rigs, equipment systems and technologies applied in offshore wells.

Goals and Objectives:

To deliver Deepwater Drilling Project plans, as planned, i.e., Safety, Effectively and Efficiently, meeting all outcomes benefits and values desired.

Main objectives focus on deepwater exploration and appraisal well ‘planning, design, engineering, and drilling operation’s’. Providing a further inclusive overview of Deepwater: well testing, development drilling, completions, workovers, intervention, and technologies as currently applied.

Participant Take Aways

1.            Develops skills required to plan, design, engineer, and drill deepwater wells.

2.            Equip oneself with a greater understanding of simple project management processes, deepwater principles, best drilling project practices, technologies, and equipment required to drill deepwater wells safely, effectively, and efficiently.

3.            Be capable to work a deepwater drilling project by applying simple stage-gate management processes. E.g., Taking a deepwater from early geology/geoscience ‘pressure management’, metocean environments, station-keeping, rig selection, assessment perspectives. To then assess the structural string, casing design and setting depths required. Then plan to assure that, work as planned = work as done and that lessons learned are translated and sustained.

4.            Review and understand deepwater drilling operational aspects such as, shallow hazards, well control assurance, pressure management, emergency response, contingent planning, and emerging drilling technologies.

5.            Have a general awareness of Deepwater well-testing, development drilling, completions, and interventions that are often further required in a deepwater development program.

6.            Understand all the complexities, challenges, hazards, and risk issues that arise to be addressed, corrected and acted upon when drilling deepwater wells.

Contents, Deepwater Drilling Fundamentals.

How to Plan, Design, Engineer, and Drill Deepwater wells course introduction.

Group session: Introduce yourself, objectives, and course goals to the class.

Day 1. S1 Deepwater Challenges, Essential Differences.

1.1         Challenges and essential differences in deepwater. Vs Standard norms.

1.2         Deepwater Rigs, equipment, and essential systems differences vs. standard norms.

1.3         What else is different in deepwater vs. standard offshore norms?

Case study sessions and general exercise handouts.

Day 1 S2. Deepwater Geology, Geoscience and Pressure Management differences.

2.1         Geology and Geoscience essentials and differences vs. standard project norms.

2.2         Pressure management in deepwater environments vs. standard project norms.

Case study sessions and general exercise handouts.

Day 1, S3. Deepwater Metocean Environments essentials.

3.1         Deepwater Metocean and environmental aspects vs. standard offshore norms.

Day 1 Debrief. Asynchronous Homework.

Day 2 Debrief from day 1. Deepwater Well Design & Engineering

Day2 S4. Projects, PD&E. Hazards (loss), risks and change.

4.1         Managing Projects, planning, design, and engineering overview.

4.2         Hazards, risks, and change management required in complex wells.

4.3         Latent Cause analysis. i.e., How to translate and sustain Deepwater drilling learning.

Case study sessions and exercise (handouts).

Day 2 S5. Drilling and Cementing fluids

5.1         Drilling Fluids, planning, design, and engineering essentials and differences.

5.2         Deepwater cementing, planning, design and engineering essentials and differences.

Case study sessions and exercise (handouts).

Day 2 S6. Structural well design, planning and engineering.

6.1 Structural well design, planning and engineering for deepwater wells.

Deepwater case study, class project group session/exercises

Day 2 Debrief. Asynchronous Homework.

Day 3 Debrief from day 2. Deepwater Well Design & Engineering

S7. Deepwater casing design, planning, and engineering.

7.1 Deepwater casing design essential differences.

Deepwater casing design case study group session.

Case study sessions and exercise handouts.

S8. Subsea BOP and Marine risers, planning, design, and engineering.,

8.1         Deepwater Subsea capital equipment essentials difference introduction.

8.2         Deepwater Marine risers’ design overview and drilling application.

Deepwater Marine riser and subsea capital equipment group session

Case study sessions and exercise handouts.

Day 3 Debrief. Asynchronous Homework.

Day 4 Debrief from day 3. Deepwater Drilling Operations

S9. Deepwater riserless drilling engineering, and operations.

9.1         Deepwater riserless drilling design, engineering, and operating essentials.

Deepwater riserless drilling case study group session.

Case study sessions and exercise handouts.

S10. Post riser (intermediate and production sections) drilling operations.

10.1      Post riser deepwater drilling operations essentials and differences.

Post riser PD&E cases study, group session.

Case study sessions and exercise handouts.

Day 4 Debrief. Asynchronous Homework.

Day 5 Debrief from day 4. WCERP & Emerging Technologies.

S11. Well Control and Emergency Response Plans

11.1      WCERP plans for deepwater wells.

S12. Deepwater Drilling technology Applications

12.1 Future deepwater technology applications

Case study sessions (complete project work).

Group, individual performance awards.

Course Debrief and Action plan review. feedback, questions, and answers.

Course close out.

9 December 2024

Buenos Aires

Drilling and Workover


USD 3750 + IVA

Starts: 9 December 2024

Ends: 13 December 2024

40 Hours

Buenos Aires

Drilling and Workover


USD 3750

Course registration

Registration to the course

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