Nodal Analysis

Face-to Face Course

September 9 to 13, 2024

Duration : 5 days

Level : Basic – Intermediate

This course presents a methodology widely known as Nodal analysis used to evaluate the production system in gas and oil wells, which producing under natural flow conditions or that require the application of any artificial lift system, and reach in case of necessary, their optimization. This technique also allows to determine the effect that some components of the system such as the production tubing, flow line, separation pressure, etc., have on the behavior of well production so what each one can be independently evaluated and the results combined to optimize the complete system, obtaining the maximum flow rate to the lower cost.

Nodal Analysis


  1. Provide a methodology for analyzing gas and oil production systems.
  2. Optimize gas and oil production systems by modifying one of the components or selecting an artificial lift method.


This is a basic-intermediate course, aimed at production engineers, reservoirs, and related areas, responsible not only for the surveillance and control of production operations in gas and oil wells, but also for the increase of recovery, identification of problems in artificial lift systems, among others.


1-.  Introduction

2-.  Well Performance

      2.1-.           Well Performance in Oil Producing Wells

               2.1.1-.  Darcy’s Law: Factors that Affect Productivity Index; Diffusivity Equation

               2.1.2-. Empirical Methods to Predict the Inflow Performance Relationship: Vogel’s Method; Fetkovich’s Method; Jones, Blount & Glaze’s Method

      2.2-.           Well Performance in Gas Producing Wells

               2.2.1-.  Diffusivity Equation

               2.2.2-.  Four Points Tests

      2.3-.           Particular Cases

               2.3.1-.  Composite IPR

               2.3.2-.  Predicting the Reservoir Pressure from IPR

3-.  Multiphase Flow in Pipes

      3.1-.           Fundamental Equations

      3.2-.           Methodologies to Predict Dynamic Pressure Gradient

4-.  Nodal Analysis for Oil Wells

      4.1-.           Solution Node

      4.2-.           Functional Node

               4.2.1-.  Surface Chokes

               4.2.2-.  Gravel Packs

               4.2.3-.  Perforated Wells

5-.  Injection Wells

      5.1-.           Water Injection Wells

6-.  Practical Examples

Generalities of the Course

  • Each participant must have a computer to do examples in class.
  • This course can combine with any commercial simulator with academic purposes

9 September 2024




USD 3900 + VAT + IVA

Starts: 9 September 2024

Ends: 13 September 2024

40 Hours




USD 3900 + VAT

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