Sequence Stratigraphy of Deep-water Systems

Face-to Face Course

August 25 to 29 , 2025

Duration : 5 days

WHO SHOULD ATTEND:  Geologists, geophysicists and reservoir engineers with interest in the petroleum exploration and production in deep-water settings.

TEXTBOOK: Catuneanu, O. (2022) Principles of Sequence Stratigraphy, Second Edition. Elsevier, 494 pp.


This workshop addresses the key aspects that are relevant to the definition of petroleum systems in the deep-water setting, from the tectonic framework to the stratigraphic framework of depositional elements and the methods involved in petroleum exploration and production. All concepts are illustrated with field examples of seismic, well-log, core, and outcrop data. The workshop promotes a multidisciplinary approach that integrates insights from basin analysis, stratigraphy and sedimentology to generate a comprehensive understanding of the deep-water setting.

The points of agreement and difference between the various sequence stratigraphic approaches are discussed, and guidelines are provided for a standard process-based workflow of sequence stratigraphic analysis. This enables the practitioner to eliminate nomenclatural and methodological confusions, and apply sequence stratigraphy effectively for facies predictions in exploration and production. The course participants will also learn how to build a sequence stratigraphic framework in the deep-water setting, how to recognize stratigraphic cyclicity at different scales, and how to separate stratigraphic cycles from sedimentological cycles in the deep-water setting. The latter has significant impact on stratigraphic correlation and the scales of reservoirs within the stratigraphic framework.

Course content includes:

  • Deep-water tectonic settings
  • Deep-water processes and facies
  • Depositional elements in the deep-water setting
  • Deep-water sequence stratigraphy
  • Sequence stratigraphic surfaces
  • Systems tracts in the deep-water setting
  • Sequences in the deep-water setting
  • Deep-water petroleum system: reservoirs, seals, source rocks
  • Petroleum plays in the deep-water setting

25 August 2025

Buenos Aires



USD 2950 + IVA

Starts: 25 August 2025

Ends: 29 August 2025

40 Hours

Buenos Aires



USD 2950

Course registration

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