
Online Live Streaming Course

5 sessions ( approx. 4 hours each) ,September 23 to 27, 2024

Duration: 20 hours


The course is an overview of the fundamental concepts of waterflooding:  pressure maintenance and displacement.  We will discuss the importance of petrophysical properties, geology, fractional flow theory and analytical models of sweep efficiency.  Behavior and results of several field cases will be reviewed.   Students should bring a laptop computer to class that has an installed version of Excel.

The course will be for geoscientists that have quantitative skills and have at least a B.S. degree.


Lake, Larry W., Russell T. Johns, William R. Rossen and Gary A. Pope, Fundamentals of Enhanced Oil Recovery, 2014, Society of Petroleum Engineers

Additional Reading

Warner, H. J., Jr., The Reservoir Engineering Aspects of Waterflooding, 2nd ed., 2015, Society of Petroleum Engineers.

Daily Schedule

Day 1.   Introduction and pressure maintenance

                ½ hour  The goals of reservoir engineering (the 3 H’s)

                ½                            Overview of WF (Denver Unit, Seminole, Salt Creek and others)

1             Review of primary recovery

Part I.  Pressure maintenance

                1                             Productivity equation

                1                             Injectivity equation

Day 2.   Pressure maintenance (cont.)

½                            Constant injection rate

½                            Constant bottom hole pressure

1             Exercise:   Calculating volumes for pressure maintenance

                1                             Some special cases

                1                             Capacitance resistance model (Chuido)

Day 3 Displacements

Part II.  Displacements

½ hr.                      Review

1             Overview and general character

1                                             Local effects (core scale)

                1             Exercise:  Calculating fractional flow curves

                1                             Sweep efficiencies

                1                             Buckley-Leverett theory

                ½                            Welge integration

Day4 Displacements and volumetric sweep efficiency

                ½hr                        Review

1             Displacement efficiency

1             Exercise:  Displacement efficiency on Walsh diagrams; converting to dimensional time

½                            Brief summary of geology

1                             Review of heterogeneity and its measures

1              Exercise:   Heterogeneity measures

Day 5.  Combining pressure maintenance and displacement

                ½ hr                       Review

1                             Analytic methods for volumetric sweep

1             Exercise:   Calculating volumetric sweep efficiency

                1                             Combining sweep and pressure maintenance

1                             Comparisons to field results

½                           WF and economics

1                             Introduction to enhanced oil recovery

½                            Course evaluation

23 September 2024

Live Streaming

Reservoir Engineering


USD 2350 + IVA

Starts: 23 September 2024

Ends: 27 September 2024

20 Hours

Live Streaming

Reservoir Engineering


USD 2350

Course registration

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