Introduction to Development Geology.

  • Al finalizar el curso podrá descargar su certificado de participación, expedido por Bauerberg Klein en formato digital (.pdf)
  • Incluye: Material de Estudio – Clases Virtuales – Consultas al Instructor (cuando corresponda)

General Objective: The objective of this course is to help understand the role of Geology in preparation of a sustainable and economic field development.

  • To learn the various aspects of Geology that are required in preparation of field development.
  • To understand the role of Geology and the part the Geologist holds in the project team during the total Field Development Process. 
  • To help understand the pitfalls and shortcomings in the process.

Audience: Its content will be very useful to people involved in Geology, Geoscience and integrated petroleum engineering teams.

Dedication: 8 hours. It includes the dedication corresponding to complementary reading and evaluations.

General Objective: The objective of this course is to help understand the role of Geology in preparation of a sustainable and economic field development.

  • To learn the various aspects of Geology that are required in preparation of field development.
  • To understand the role of Geology and the part the Geologist holds in the project team during the total Field Development Process. 
  • To help understand the pitfalls and shortcomings in the process.

Audience: Its content will be very useful to people involved in Geology, Geoscience and integrated petroleum engineering teams.

Dedication: 8 hours. It includes the dedication corresponding to complementary reading and evaluations.

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