Ever van der Graaff

He was awarded his Ph.D. in sedimentary geology by Leiden University in 1971. He worked as a field geologist on sedimentary basin studies in Australia till 1978. After joining Shell in 1978 he held operational assignments as reservoir geologist / production geologist / petroleum engineering team leader with Brunei Shell Petroleum, Shell Expro and the NAM (NAM is Shell’s Dutch operating company). Whilst based in Shell’s headquarters in The Hague he worked on a wide range of reservoir characterisation / modelling projects covering both clastic and carbonate reservoirs in many parts of the world (North Sea, South America, Africa, Middle East, Far East, Australasia). Following a 5-year stint as senior lecturer in Geosciences at Shell’s EP training department he was senior technical advisor /team leader for static reservoir modelling technology. In this capacity he also carried out numerous QC reviews on the subsurface aspects (including reserves estimates) of field development plans and A & D opportunities. After retiring from Shell in 2003 he started his own consultancy in parallel with working part-time for a service company that specializes in core evaluations.



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